Boost your brain: The power of a healthy diet
Source: Medical Xpress
Recent research has shown that our diet plays a crucial role in maintaining not just our physical well-being, but also our brain health. A diet high in sugars and processed foods can weaken brain function and negatively impact mental health. Your brain requires healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and lean meat to keep it running smoothly.
Uncontrolled hypertension: The old 'silent killer' is alive and well, warn experts
Source: Medical Xpress
In the United States and worldwide, cardiovascular disease is the leading avoidable cause of premature death and disability. Primarily heart attacks and stroke, cardiovascular disease accounts for more than 900,000 annual deaths nationally and about 10 million deaths globally.
Gargling away the 'bad' bacteria in type 2 diabetes
Source: Medical Xpress
In a study published this month in Scientific Reports, the researchers report that when people with type 2 diabetes gargled with an antiseptic mouthwash, the numbers of periodontitis-related bacteria decreased. In addition, some patients with reduced bacteria also achieved much better control of their blood sugar, hinting at promising future clinical applications.
High weekly physical activity levels linked to lower kidney disease risk in diabetes and overweight/obesity
Source: Medical Xpress
Clocking up high weekly levels of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity is linked to a lower risk of developing chronic kidney disease in overweight/obese people with type 2 diabetes, finds research published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.
Saturated fats vs. omega-3s: Could DHA help protect the brain?
Source: Medical News Today
What we eat can impact all areas of life, and research continues to discover the effects certain foods have on the brain, including at the cellular level. One specific food being examined is saturated fats.